If a person or their child becomes ill, a visit to their primary care physician or a visit to a local med center is often all it takes to receive proper medical care. Some medical issues remain persistent, however, and require more in-depth care from a specialist. In this article, we will outline 5 signs to look for in adults and children to determine whether a visit to an ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist can help resolve their medical issue.

5 Signs in Adults

If an adult has repeated bouts of the following health issues, or they have settled in and become chronic, it’s important they seek medical attention from a qualified ENT specialist to determine the cause of their symptoms.

  1. Chronic nasal congestion.
  2. Hearing loss.
  3. Recurring sinus pain or sinus infections.
  4. Ringing in one or both ears.
  5. Recurring or chronic sore throat.

Persistent nasal congestion may result from allergies, a deviated septum, or a symptom of an infection. Temporary hearing loss may occasionally occur after listening to loud music or using noisy equipment like a leaf blower or carpentry saws. However, if hearing loss persists for more than a week or two, it’s important to see an ENT to determine the cause of the hearing loss to mitigate any further damage.

Chronic sinus pain or sinus infection could result from nasal polyps, a dental issue, a deviated septum, or allergies. An occasional sore throat now and then is not uncommon, but a chronic sore throat could indicate tonsillitis or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

If you or a family member is experiencing any of these symptoms, contact Commonwealth ENT for help! Our board certified providers are dedicated to diagnosing and treating your ear, nose and throat health concerns. Schedule an appointment today! 

5 Signs in Children

Children are not always able to communicate when they are experiencing an illness, so it’s important to be on the lookout for subtle signs of illness. These signs may include:ENT

  1. Snoring.
  2. Persistent breathing through their mouth.
  3. Recurring ear infections or ear pain.
  4. Frequent bouts of strep throat.
  5. Difficulty focusing in school.

If a child frequently snores or breathes through their mouth, it could signify enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids. Recurring ear infections could also be a sign of an issue with the adenoids since they reside next to the opening of the ear. Recurring strep throat in a child may mean they need to have their tonsils removed as the strep bacteria has become permanently colonized in their tonsils. 

Having difficulty in school could be a sign of a great many issues, both physical and emotional. However, if a child is not getting sufficient sleep because they have chronic ear or strep infections or sleep apnea due to enlarged tonsils, these illnesses can indirectly affect their behavior at school.

Dr. Lenkowski of Roanoke Valley ENT & Allergy can perform tests and suggest medication to relieve your symptoms. If you need to visit an ENT, contact us at 540-655-1888 to schedule your appointment today!