allergy immunotherapy - roanoke valley entAllergy Immunotherapy: A Long-Term Solution for Allergy Relief

Are you tired of constantly battling allergy symptoms? Allergies affect millions of Americans, impacting their quality of life and daily activities. If you’re looking for a long-term solution to your allergy woes, allergy immunotherapy might be the answer. At Roanoke Valley ENT & Allergy, Dr. Paul Lenkowski, a board-certified Otolaryngologist, specializes in providing effective allergy treatments, including immunotherapy.

What is Allergy Immunotherapy?

Allergy immunotherapy is a treatment that helps your body build tolerance to specific allergens. Unlike medications that only mask symptoms, immunotherapy addresses the root cause of your allergies. There are two main types:

  • Subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots)
  • Sublingual immunotherapy (under-the-tongue drops)

Benefits of Allergy Immunotherapy

Choosing immunotherapy can lead to significant improvements in your life:

  • Long-term reduction of allergy symptoms
  • Potential prevention of new allergies developing
  • Improved quality of life and reduced reliance on allergy medications

How Immunotherapy Helps

Immunotherapy works by gradually exposing your immune system to small amounts of allergens. Over time, this exposure helps your body build tolerance, reducing allergic reactions. Unlike antihistamines or nasal sprays that provide temporary relief, immunotherapy aims to modify your immune system’s response for lasting benefits.

The Immunotherapy Process

The journey to allergy relief through immunotherapy involves several steps:

  1. Initial allergy testing to identify your specific triggers
  2. Build-up phase: Gradually increasing doses of allergens
  3. Maintenance phase: Regular doses to maintain tolerance
  4. Treatment duration: Typically 3-5 years for optimal results

What to Expect During Treatment

During immunotherapy, you’ll have regular visits to our office. For allergy shots, you’ll start with weekly or bi-weekly appointments during the build-up phase. As you progress to the maintenance phase, visits may be spaced out to every 2-4 weeks. Dr. Lenkowski and our team will closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment as needed.

Is Immunotherapy Right for You?

Allergy immunotherapy can be an excellent option for many allergy sufferers, especially those with:

  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
  • Allergic asthma

It’s particularly beneficial for individuals who don’t respond well to standard allergy medications or prefer a long-term solution.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Ready to take control of your allergies? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lenkowski at Roanoke Valley ENT & Allergy. Our experienced team will conduct a thorough evaluation, discuss your symptoms, and determine if allergy immunotherapy is the right choice for you.

Prepare for your visit by noting your allergy symptoms, triggers, and any current medications. Together, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan to help you breathe easier and enjoy life without the burden of allergies.

Don’t let allergies control your life. Explore the benefits of allergy immunotherapy and take the first step towards long-lasting relief. Contact Roanoke Valley ENT & Allergy today!